This lecture will be published via the Lecturnity
system. The recordings can be found at the Lecturnity portal of this lecture.
Links will be made available, here.
- Lecture (lecturnity, flash): 24.10.2006: Organisation, Literature, Motivation
- Lecture (lecturnity, flash): 31.10.2006: WSN versus MANET
- Lecture (lecturnity,
31.10.2006: Basics of computer networks, single node architecture
- Lecture (lecturnity, flash): 07.11.2006: Radio communication, physical layer of computer networks
- Lecture (lecturnity, flash): 08.11.2006: Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum, Code Division Multiple Access, Transceiver Design
- Lecture (lecturnity): 14.11.2006: Transceiver characteristics, energy supply, runtime environment
- Lecture (lecturnity, flash): 15.11.2006: Medium Access Layer (MAC), Aloha, MACA, hidden terminal problem, exposed terminal problem
- Lecture (lecturnity, flash): 21.11.2006: Medium Access Layer (MAC), CSMA, MACA, RTS, CTS, STEM, S-MAC, T-MAC, Mediation Device, Preamble Sampling
- Lecture (lecturnity,
22.11.2006: B-MAC, PAMAS, LEACH,
- Lecture (lecturnity, flash): 28.11.2006: IEEE 802.15.4, SMACS, TRAMA
- Lecture (lecturnity, flash): 29.11.2006: Bluetooth and WSN
- Lecture (lecturnity),
05.12.2006: Time synchronization in WSN, motivation and principles
- Lecture (lecturnity), 05.12.2006: Time synchronization: LTS pairwise
- Lecture (lecturnity), 12.12.2006: Time synchronization: LTS network, HRTS, TSync
- Lecture (lecturnity), 13.12.2006: Time synchronization: RBS
- Lecture (lecturnity, flash), 19.12.2006: Localization and Positioning: Introduction and Trilateration
- Lecture (lecturnity, flash), 09.01.2007: Localization and Position: The Error Case, Hop Counting, Bayes' Theorem, Localization using Bayes' Theorem
- Lecture (lecturnity), 10.01.2007: Topology control, spanner graphs, weak spanner graphs, power spanner
- Lecture (lecturnity), 16.01.2007: Topology control: (weak/power) spanner graphs, Delaunay graph, Gabriel graph, Yao graph
- Lecture (lecturnity, flash), 17.01.2007: Topology control:Yao graph family
- Lecture (lecturnity, flash), 23.01.2007: Topology Control:Gabriel graph, Minimum Spanning Trees
- Lecture (lecturnity, flash), 24.01.2007: Topology Control: Magic Numbers, Dominating Sets
- Lecture (lecturnity)
30.01.2007: Dominating Sets, Clustering, ID-Routing, Dijkstra,
Bellman-Ford, Distance-Vector, Link-State, OLSR, AODV, TORA
- Lecture (lecturnity,
06.02..2007: Energy efficient unicasting, position based routing,
geographic routing (GEM,GeRaF,LBM, TBF), Data centric and content-based
networking: Interaction patterns and programming models,
- Lecture (lecturnity,
07.02.2007: Data centric and content-based networking: SPIN, directed
diffusion, data aggregation
- Lecture (lecturnity,
13.02.2007: Geohashing, Naming and Indexing, Transport Protocols
- and last lecture (lecturnity, flash), 14.02.2007: Bachelor and Master Theses