Network Protocol Design and Evaluation
Contact: Stefan Rührup
(please send eMails from you
university mail account if possible,
as the university mail
server blocks mails from certain domains)
- 2nd exam date: March 19, 2010, 10:00 am (building 101, SR 01-016)
- Exam dates:
- Oral exam (for Bachelor students only): August 21, 2009 (afternoon)
- Written exam (for Master students only): September 18, 2009
10:00 am, Building 082, HS 00-006 (Kinohörsaal). - Further information
- Last
lecture and exercise on Friday, July 10
- Evaluation:
Please print
and fill out a course evaluation form.
Further printouts will be handed out on Friday July 3. Please return
the forms after the lecture on Friday.
- Pentecost break June 2 - June 5 (see academic calendar)
- First exercise on Friday, May 8, 2:00 pm
- Lecture times on Friday,
May 8: 11am - 1pm
- Lecture times on Friday, April
24: 11am - 1pm
- First lecture on Wed., April
22, 9-11 am
- 2009-04-08 Web-pages online