- Christian Schindelhauer
- Monday, 2 - 4 pm, building 101, room 00-036
- Thursday, 2 - 3 pm, building 101, room 00-036
Exercise class
- Alexander Schätzle (algotheorie(ät)
- Tuesday, 9 - 10 am, building 051, room 00-034 (German)
- Bente Luth (benteluth(ät)
- Wednesday, 2 - 3 pm, building 051, room 00-006 (German)
- Stefan
- Wednesday, 3:00 - 3:45 pm, building 051, room 00-006
- Johannes Wendeberg (wendeber(ät)
- Friday, 10 - 11 am, building 051, room 00-006 (German)
Exercise classes start in the second week (Oct 28).
- 1st lecture, 2008-10-20: Organization, Introduction, Divide &
Conquer (part 1)
- 2nd lecture. 2008-10-24: Divide & Conquer (part 2)
- ...
This information is preliminary and may change during the semester.